when was the last time you held your breath?

the cigarette in the hand 

and then the cigarette in the eye 

but then the cigarette on the lips anyways 

and because you’re used to that kind (of) pain

the cigarette on the ashtray 

with the occasional cigarette in the trash 

and the common cigarette on the ground 

the inevitable cigarette in the air 

and the irreparable cigarette in the lungs 

and then the cigarette mostly in the lungs 

and so the cigarette everywhere 

the cigarette in the rain 

the cigarette in the sun 

so then the cigarette in your sleep 

and so the cigarette daydream 

(insert cage the elephant here but please refrain from following the command in the band’s name)


i hereby name the tree with the pretty smell by diana elba


three months into forever